There's nothing more important then having a relationship with Jesus!

Don't know him? Check out the video...




Make the decision to be saved and born again. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be the Lord of your life!

Don't know how? Simple...


Remember when you pray your just having a conversation with God, so when you just speak, he will hear you!!


Salvation Prayer

To be saved, say this prayer and mean it!

Dear Jesus, I need You in my life. I acknowledge that I have sinned and I come to You right now confessing that and asking your forgiveness. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I believe You are the Son of God and that You rose from the dead and are alive today. I open the door of my heart and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Please take control of my life from here forward and make me the kind of person you want me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


P.S. Once you have prayed this just believe in your heart you are saved because you are and you are now a citzen of heaven!

That being said...

Congrats and we'll see you when you get home!

Videos with Real Life Survival Tips

Rudy Reyes (Apocalypse Man)

The colony (Season 1 Only)

The Omega Code

(Shows you what will take place so what you know exactly what to be prepared for)

Jesus Plus

The Message

Our Letter To You

More to Come as the Lord Wills.


Here is the perfect online place to chill out, reflect or whatever...

The Quiet Place








